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DipSway 실시간 백테스트 & 성과

거래소에 연결하고 자동 조종을 켜면 끝입니다.
Proven to perform

Performance History

See how DipSwayers are averaging using the power of DipSway bots.
Total Return based on last 12 Months Compound ROI
1.10xOn capital
92.23 win rate
4.15 average trade ROI
1.03xOn capital
91.99 win rate
2.1 average trade ROI
1.08xOn capital
95.15 win rate
2.86 average trade ROI
1.03xOn capital
100 win rate
2.33 average trade ROI
1.04xOn capital
94.67 win rate
2.23 average trade ROI
1.09xOn capital
100 win rate
3.93 average trade ROI
1.04xOn capital
99.2 win rate
2.76 average trade ROI
1.04xOn capital
95.52 win rate
2.23 average trade ROI
1.07xOn capital
97.98 win rate
4.03 average trade ROI
1.09xOn capital
93.07 win rate
6.65 average trade ROI
1.21xOn capital
92.39 win rate
3.59 average trade ROI
1.17xOn capital
93.48 win rate
2.19 average trade ROI
1.22xOn capital
92.29 win rate
2.52 average trade ROI
1.17xOn capital
97.09 win rate
2.8 average trade ROI
1.32xOn capital
95.01 win rate
3.39 average trade ROI
1.11xOn capital
72.36 win rate
1.14 average trade ROI
1.06xOn capital
43.09 win rate
2.08 average trade ROI
1.24xOn capital
65.21 win rate
3.24 average trade ROI
1.09xOn capital
97.14 win rate
6.94 average trade ROI
1.12xOn capital
85.07 win rate
3.99 average trade ROI
1.07xOn capital
42.04 win rate
1.68 average trade ROI
1.07xOn capital
100 win rate
1.93 average trade ROI
1.22xOn capital
83.34 win rate
4.4 average trade ROI
1.26xOn capital
83.45 win rate
4.91 average trade ROI
1.17xOn capital
51.79 win rate
2.02 average trade ROI
1.28xOn capital
76.77 win rate
4.28 average trade ROI
Trained to recognize opportunities
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See how our strategies have performed in the past with high quality live backtests.

Backtests from past 6 months
High-quality Historical Data

We ensure that the live-candlesticks that are used are of the highest quality.

Fees & Delays included

Maker and taker fees of 0.1% are applied to each trade. Slippage of 0.1% and a delay of few minutes are applied to each trade.

Overfitting Avoidance

DipSway passively monitors accounts performing bad and recommends actions.

하락세 감지를 위해 훈련됨

하락세에서도 안전하게

DipSway의 AI는 하락세를 식별하도록 훈련되어 있으며 상황이 통제를 벗어나기 전에 당신을 빼낼 것입니다
DipSway AI에 대해 알아보기
Operation: Emergency position exit. Downtrend identified.
Sell order for 12 BTC fulfilled.
Simulate based on past performance
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Full profitability analysis based on DipSways historical data, factoring in things such as exchange fees, coin performances, and simulating how DipSway bots would trade with your capital size.

Proven to perform

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Find your answers here. If you have a question that's not covered in the FAQ, please feel free to reach out to us.

DipSway는 트렌드 파동 전에 진입하고 장기적으로 암호화폐 지갑을 성장시키고자 하는 누구에게나 적합한 암호화폐 거래 솔루션입니다. DipSway는 두 가지 중요한 기둥 위에 구축되었습니다: - 다수의 백테스트된 알고리즘 - AI 신경망 이 두 요소의 결합 덕분에 DipSway는 현재 시장에 매일 적응하고 진화합니다. 이는 이 봇을 시장의 다른 봇들보다 더 효율적이고 신뢰할 수 있게 만듭니다.

아니요, DipSway는 더 수익성 있는 암호화폐 여정을 원하는 누구나 사용할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 암호화폐에 처음 입문한 사람이나 숙련된 트레이더인지 여부는 중요하지 않습니다. 언제나 우리의 자동화된 봇을 통해 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.

아니요! DipSway는 귀하의 자금에 접근할 수 없으며 접근을 요청하지도 않습니다. 우리 서비스에 연결할 API를 생성하기 전에 출금 옵션을 선택 해제해야 합니다. DipSway가 할 수 있는 유일한 작업은 주문을 열고 닫는 것입니다.

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DipSway made +$3878.89 profit on
a single trade @ March 11 2024

Don’t go back to manual trading,, get in before the pumpget out before the drop. On autopilot.

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