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24/7 automatisierter Handel, nahezu sofortige Trade-Platzierung

Aufschlüsselung: DipSways KI-Krypto-Handel

DipSways leistungsstarker KI-Bot passt sich dynamisch an schnelle Marktveränderungen an. All dies geschieht durch eine Reihe von Schritten:

24/7 automated trading, near-instant trade placement
Source: Candlestick raw data
Having quality data is the first step to building a successful trading strategy. This is why DipSway is provided with a candlestick data service that is updated every minute.
High Frequency

Candlesticks are synced from the exchange with 1s granularity.

Low Latency

Our server are located in the same datacenter as the exchange.


Data is checked for integrity using a custom checksum algorithm.


Data is checked for integrity using a custom checksum algorithm.

24/7 automated trading, near-instant trade placement
Data processing
DipSway uses a set of tools to process the candlestick data and make it ready for the machine learning phase.
Data Normalization

Data is normalized using a custom algorithm to make it ready for the machine learning phase.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

Data Splitting

Data is split into training, validation and testing sets.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

24/7 automated trading, near-instant trade placement
Hyperparameter optimization
Each indicator has its own set of hyperparameters to tune. DipSway uses an intelligent search algorithm to find the best hyperparameters.
Data Normalization

Data is normalized using a custom algorithm to make it ready for the machine learning phase.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

Data Splitting

Data is split into training, validation and testing sets.

24/7 automated trading, near-instant trade placement
Machine learning
Each indicator has its own set of hyperparameters to tune. DipSway uses an intelligent search algorithm to find the best hyperparameters.
Data Normalization

Data is normalized using a custom algorithm to make it ready for the machine learning phase.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

Data Splitting

Data is split into training, validation and testing sets.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

24/7 automated trading, near-instant trade placement
Self learning
While the bots are live-trading, they are also learning from their mistakes.
Data Normalization

Data is normalized using a custom algorithm to make it ready for the machine learning phase.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

Data Splitting

Data is split into training, validation and testing sets.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

24/7 automated trading, near-instant trade placement
Self Learning AI
While the bots are live-trading, they are also learning from their mistakes.
Data Normalization

Data is normalized using a custom algorithm to make it ready for the machine learning phase.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

Data Splitting

Data is split into training, validation and testing sets.

Data Augmentation

Additionally to the OHLCV data, we provide a set of technical indicators to help the machine learning model.

4 Klicks zum Start

Was passiert hinter den Kulissen?

Einige Indikatoren zeigen ein potenzielles Kaufsignal (grün), während andere ein potenzielles Verkaufssignal zeigen (grau).
Das DipSway Neuronale Netzwerk berücksichtigt all diese Indikatoren und trifft eine Entscheidung basierend auf dem Gesamtbild, wobei es ein einziges Kauf- oder Verkaufssignal erzeugt.
Proven to perform

Frequently Asked Questions

Find your answers here. If you have a question that's not covered in the FAQ, please feel free to reach out to us.

DipSway ist eine Krypto-Handelslösung, die für jeden geeignet ist, der vor Trendwellen einsteigen und sein Krypto-Wallet über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg wachsen lassen möchte. DipSway basiert auf zwei wichtigen Säulen: - einer Vielzahl von Backtesting-Algorithmen - einem KI-Neuronalen Netzwerk Dank der Kombination dieser beiden Elemente entwickelt sich DipSway ständig weiter und passt sich täglich an den aktuellen Markt an. Dies macht den Bot effizienter und zuverlässiger als andere auf dem Markt.

Nein, DipSway ist für jeden gebaut, der eine profitablere Krypto-Reise erleben möchte. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob Sie neu in der Krypto-Welt sind oder ein erfahrener Trader. Sie können immer von unserem automatisierten Bot profitieren.

Nein! DipSway kann nicht auf Ihre Gelder zugreifen und wird niemals darum bitten. Bevor Sie Ihre API erstellen, um unsere Dienstleistung zu nutzen, müssen Sie die Abhebungsoption deaktivieren. Die einzigen Aktionen, die DipSway durchführen kann, sind: Aufträge öffnen und schließen.

Could’t find the answer you were looking for?Contact support
DipSway made +$3878.89 profit on
a single trade @ March 11 2024

Don’t go back to manual trading,, get in before the pumpget out before the drop. On autopilot.

Start your DipSway bot in 4 clicks